The world is waiting for you to shine your light - what are you ready to awaken?

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Bri and I work for Spirit as a Psychic Medium & Intuitive Guide. Growing up, I was a very psychic and empathic child, but it wasn’t until a life-altering car accident that I became dedicated to working with my abilities. Ultimately having to leave a successful career as a Teacher, I was able to find healing & magic through Mediumship and other modalities such as Reiki & Angel connections. I believe that this path is truly a journey with no end destination - I am always exploring, healing, learning & ensuring I take the time to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Want to know more about me? Click here

Or·a·cle /ˈôrək(ə)l/ - An oracle was a person traditionally viewed as someone who had a direct connection to the divine, that could see the future and often spoke in mysterious & prophetic language.

Realistically though, the word oracle comes from the Latin verb ōrāre, "to speak", which means my voice is my direct link to Spirit. It is though speaking that I am able to channel the advice and messages that best meet your needs at this time for your highest energetic potential (sorry, no prophecies).

Let’s make magic happen!

Ready to take the next step?

My offerings are always in flow, often changing with the seasons & reflect what I am currently inspired to share! Check back often to see what’s new!

I am most active on Instagram @daylightoracle where you can find me in my stories.

Why are you here?

Years later, I’ve realized that our purpose in this life is not an occupation; it’s not something we need to find and then we will feel fulfilled. Instead it is a journey of awakening that spark deep within yourself and learning how to cultivate your light to share it with the world. I believe each of us is meant to live a life that aligns with their greatest potential, and the first step is answering the call of your soul to start remembering what innate gifts you came to this world with. Are you ready to find out what your soul’s purpose is? I created a quiz just for people like you who are ready to begin the journey of discovering who they came into this lifetime to be. If you’re ready to answer the call, check it out now.

Take the quiz now!

After my accident, I experienced a massive spiritual awakening - it felt like my entire life had been turned upside down and I could no longer see my future path forward. For someone who had always been very linear with goals and planning, this rocked me to my core. I began to question everything I had come to believe about life, and what my purpose was. I actually became a bit obsessive about it - one of my first oracle decks was Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose deck, I was determined to find the answer to that nagging question I kept feeling… what is my purpose? What am I meant to do here? I knew I had something I needed to do in this lifetime, and I struggled to figure out what it was. ⁣

Have you Heard?

A space for anyone who feels called to explore their spirituality & connect deeper with themselves, Spirit & the world around them. We discuss a range of topics from Astrology to Human Design, Cyclic Living & the realities of trying to stay connected to your magic while living in this human experience. I share all I have learned through downloads, inspired messages & experiential teachings in the hopes that you feel seen and validated on your spiritual journey.

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